7 Reasons Hiring an Interior Designer Might Be Right for You

Should you hire an interior designer?

Weighing the cost and benefits

There are many considerations to make before you begin a project, but should hiring a designer be one of them?


The additional cost of hiring a designer might seem unnecessary, and you may feel confident you can handle the project yourself. So, what would you gain from their involvement? And is that gain worth the investment? Answering these questions is the key to knowing if the cost is worth the benefit.


Someone once told me that interior designers charge a lot to make a space look pretty. This comment revealed a deep misunderstanding of what an interior designer does. While the end goal for an interior designer is to make the space look "pretty," the skill set needed to produce those results goes far beyond how it looks in the end.


There are seven compelling reasons why hiring an interior designer could be a game-changer for your project. Each one is a testament to a designer's knowledge and skill that underscore the unique value they bring.


1. Budget

Your budget is a significant factor in determining if you can hire an interior designer and what design service you can afford. The good news is that some designers offer tiered services so you can access their expertise at a price point you can afford.


At Joy Edwards Design, we provide three levels of service, starting with our Entry-Level Design. We take pride in the fact that we maximize our resources at every level to ensure our clients receive the greatest value for their investment, no matter the level of service they choose.


When you consider where to invest your money in your project, it's important to understand that good design and bad design cost the same. You can spend the same amount on products as a designer, but the results can be vastly different. The benefit of hiring a designer is assurance that they will create the best design for your space and help you avoid common mistakes.


So, what drives the cost of hiring a designer? It is their time.


On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from 10% to 20% of your total project expenses for Full-Service Interior Design. Services offered at a lower tier might come in around 5% of your project expenses or may be offered as a flat fee. Overall, these percentages provide a general idea of what to expect to be able to evaluate which service is right for you.


Before we leave our discussion on budget,  there is one more thing to consider, and that is the long-term enjoyment of your home. So, is achieving a better design worth the additional investment? It is a personal decision that needs to be weighed and evaluated, but we believe the benefits of a well-designed space make it a worthwhile investment and are confident you will be happy you made the investment because of the long-term enjoyment you will receive.


2. Time

Designing a space well takes time, even for a small project. Multiple decisions go into finishing a space, from identifying your budget, understanding your style, shopping, tracking everything you need to purchase, dealing with problems that arise, and still doing all the things you were doing before the project began. Designers remove all these pressures and demands from your shoulders. They work on your behalf so you can continue living your life, instead of trying to fit in one more thing.


Designers also save you time by finishing your project quickly. Anyone who has ever started a project on their own knows it can take five times or even ten times longer to complete than you estimated, and far too many times a project is never fully completed. You end up with a half-done room, fatigue sets in, and life gets in the way. You hope to finish it one day or resolve to be happy with where it is.


Designers have a structured and organized approach to managing your project. At Joy Edwards Design, we take care of everything, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. This not only saves you time but also gives you the assurance that your project is in good hands, allowing you to relax and enjoy the transformation of your space.


3. Expertise

A designer's expertise cannot be understated. They are experts in creating beautiful spaces and understand the function and flow that is needed to enjoy a space, but their expertise goes far beyond the design itself.


Designers are problem solvers and excellent at time management, organization, communication, project management, and space planning; they excel at computer design programs, are creative, know design trends, have product knowledge, and advocate for their clients.


When you hire a designer, you leverage all their expertise. Contractors and trades do amazing work, but you hire them to do a job, not to work on your behalf. Designers are similar to lawyers because they defend your interests and become your advocate in addition to providing you with their vast skill set and resources.


4. Personal Style

One of the most important steps in the design process is having a clear vision for your space and understanding your personal style. It can be difficult to identify exactly what you want, which is something an interior designer can help you with.  At Joy Edwards Design, we help you narrow down your preferences and personal style, identify your objectives, complete a site assessment, and analyze the project's feasibility based on budget and scope as the first step in the design process. 


We also consider the architecture of your home because good design should not only be personal and enduring to you but should also complement your home and elevate the space. Changing the finishes in a home is a delicate balance between a homeowner's style and the home's architecture. If you completely neglect the story a home has to tell, your personal style will be impacted because the two styles will be at odds with one another instead of blending harmoniously together.


Identifying your personal style is a crucial step in the design process. It's the moment when your ideas and a designer's expertise come together to lay the foundation for your space. The first two phases of our design process tackle this very thing. The goal of our Entry-Level Design is to provide you with a clear vision for your project.


5. Complexity of the Project

When you think of a complex project, the first thought that comes to mind is a large renovation or remodel. Large projects are more difficult, but complexity is really about what is complex for you, not the size of the project.


If you feel overwhelmed about choosing finishes for your kitchen, pillows for your sofa, furniture for your bedroom, or an area rug for your dining room, consider hiring a designer. They will take the stress off your shoulders and make the process smoother and more rewarding.


The size of your project is another crucial factor in determining the need for a designer. Undertaking a large project involves meticulous planning, sourcing, and time management, which is what interior designers excel at. They also bring a unique perspective, focusing not only on the practical aspects but also on the aesthetics and function, ensuring a harmonious space that contractors might overlook.


In the middle of our kitchen renovation, I encountered this very thing with our contractor. He did amazing work, but he didn't understand some of the decisions I made. Interestingly, they always involved aesthetics and function. A designer's eye is trained to see things no one else does, not even a contractor, which is why a designer is extremely valuable to have on any project.



6. Access to Resources

One of the often overlooked advantages of working with a designer is their comprehensive access to a wide range of resources and vendors. Designers establish strong relationships within the industry, leveraging their in-depth product knowledge, sourcing materials, finding solutions, and providing you reassurance throughout your project.


Vendors see interior designers as valuable assets to their business and sometimes work exclusively with them. These relationships benefit you directly when it comes to purchasing products, dealing with problems, and receiving quality service.


Additionally, designers have experience navigating difficult situations. They are used to dealing with problems and are able to determine how to approach them and find resolutions. They can also find the most optimal outcome quicker by leveraging their resources and connections.



7. Stress Reduction

There are two guarantees I can give you when it comes to projects, they are stressful, and problems will arise. Designers become your buffer with both of these, and they are the only people you can hire who will do this for you. They manage your project to provide continuity and deal with problems on your behalf, taking the burden and stress off your shoulders.


Designers deal with every issue you would normally deal with and resolve them for you. This is a vastly different objective than a contractor. Contractors and trades are there to do a job for you, but designers are your coach, educator, project manager, advocate, and most of all, designer.


Investing in a designer to manage your project and handle the inevitable problems that will arise can be worth its weight in gold. Their expertise and ability to navigate challenges bring you peace of mind and save you from costly mistakes and project delays.


Final Thoughts

Hiring an interior designer is an investment in your home, but more importantly, it is an investment in yourself.


A designer's value should never be solely based on monetary terms but on quality of life during the project and, ultimately, how much you enjoy your home once the project is over.


Reach out to Joy Edwards Design today to learn more about how we can help with your project.